Hello world!

This section will guide you through creating your first, simple Simian web app.


Ensure that Simian GUI for your programming language is available (unzipped) on your machine and that it is on the path. You need to be able to run the functionality in Simian GUI to be able to use it.

The editor you are using should offer tab completion, code analysis, linting and other hints during programming when Simian GUI is available to the editor.

The steps to setup a working environment be found in:

First application

We will start with creating an empty application, that only has a title and logo.


In Python, an application is a module containing two functions: gui_init to define the form and gui_event to handle events.

Create a file hello.py. Make sure the containing folder is on the Python path.


from simian.gui import component
from simian.gui import Form
from simian.gui import utils

def gui_init(meta_data: dict) -> dict:
    # Create a form and set a logo and title.
    form = Form()

    payload = {
        "form": form,
        "navbar": {
            "logo": "favicon.ico",
            "title": "Hello, World!",

    return payload

def gui_event(meta_data: dict, payload: dict) -> dict:
    # Process the events.
    return payload

Start the application from the Python console:

import simian.local

A PyWebview window will open, showing the empty application as in the figure below the MATLAB example.

Add components to the form

A component is created with a call to its constructor. Each constructor takes one or two input arguments:

  • a (unique) key
  • and optionally a parent component or form.

Properties, such as label and defaultValue can be set on the created object. In this example we will add a TextField and a Button to the form. For more information, see the section about Form structure.


In MATLAB, an application is a package folder containing two functions: guiInit to define the form and guiEvent to handle events.

Create a folder +hello and add the m-files guiInit.m and guiEvent.m. Make sure the containing folder is on the MATLAB path.



function payload = guiInit(metaData)
    import simian.gui_v3_0_1.*;

    % Create a form and add it to the payload.
    form            = Form();
    payload.form    = form;
    % Set a logo and title.
    payload.navbar.logo = "favicon.ico";
    payload.navbar.title = "Hello, World!";


function payload = guiEvent(metaData, payload)
    import simian.gui_v3_0_1.*;

    % Process the events.

Start the application from the command line:


A MATLAB figure will open, showing the empty application as in the figure below.

Note: Substitute v3_0_1 with the actual version that you are using.


Append the gui_init function by with code to add a text field and a button.


def gui_init(meta_data: dict) -> dict:

    # Create a textfield.
    hello_text = component.TextField("helloKey", form)
    hello_text.label = "Enter first word"
    hello_text.defaultValue = "Hello"

    # Create a button.
    world_button = component.Button("buttonKey", form)
    world_button.label = "World!"

    return payload

Start the application from the Python console:

import simian.local

The form now looks as shown in the figure below.

Add an event

Buttons can emit events when clicked. These events are handled in the gui_event function. In this example we will add an event to the previously created button, to print a message to the command line. For more information, see the chapter about Handling events.


Append the guiInit function with code to add a text field and a button.


function payload = guiInit(metaData)

    % Create a textfield.
    helloText               = component.TextField("helloKey", form);
    helloText.label         = "Enter first word";
    helloText.defaultValue  = "Hello";

    % Create a button.
    worldButton         = component.Button("buttonKey", form);
    worldButton.label   = "World!";

Start the application from the command line:


The form now looks as shown in the figure below.


Add the event to the button in gui_init with the setEvent method and the name of the event as input argument.

Add code to handle the event in gui_event.

def gui_init(meta_data: dict) -> dict:

    # Create a button that emits the "world_button_pushed" event.
    world_button = component.Button("buttonKey", form)
    world_button.label = "World!"

    return payload

def gui_event(meta_data: dict, payload: dict) -> dict:
    # Process the events.
    callback = utils.getEventFunction(meta_data, payload)
    return callback(meta_data, payload)

def say_hello(meta_data: dict, payload: dict) -> dict:
    # Print the "<helloKey> world!" string to the console.
    print(utils.getSubmissionData(payload, "helloKey")[0] + " world!")
    return payload

Start the application from the Python console:

import simian.local

Click the button.

The message Hello world! is printed to the console.


Add the event to the button in guiInit with the setEvent method and the name of the event as input argument.


function payload = guiInit(metadata)

    % Create a button that emits the "WorldButtonPushed" event.
    worldButton         = component.Button("buttonKey", form);
    worldButton.label   = "World!";

Add code to handle the event in guiEvent.


function payload = guiEvent(metaData, payload)
    import simian.gui_v3_0_1.*;

    % Process the events.
    Form.eventHandler("WorldButtonPushed", @sayHello);
    payload = utils.dispatchEvent(metaData, payload);

function payload = sayHello(metaData, payload)
    import simian.gui_v3_0_1.*;

    % Print the "<helloKey> world!" string to the console.
    fprintf(1, "%s world!\n", utils.getSubmissionData(payload, "helloKey"));

Start the application from the command line:


Click the button.

The message Hello world! is printed to the command window.