The Day component

The Day component can be used to select a single day by individually choosing the day, month and year.

In addition to the properties listed below, this component inherits properties and methods from the superclass Component. For example, any Day component has a label and tooltip property even though these are not explicitly listed here.


fieldsProperties of the fields of the Day component:
  • Type of input for the day field ('number', 'select'). Default is 'select'.
  • The value to display in the day field before it gains focus.
  • If the day should be required for the input.
  • Whether or not to hide the day.
  • These fields are also available for the month and year.
  • For the year, you can also set the min/max year with minYear and maxYear fields.
dayFirstSet to true to make the day the first item instead of the month.BooleanFalse
tableViewWhen true and the component is part of an EditGrid, the component's value is shown (simplified) in the collapsed row of the EditGrid.BooleanFalse


setOutputAsobj.setOutputAs(outputType)Set the output type used by getSubmissionData. The default is a string. The value can be converted to a datetime object.

See also

  • Interactive date and/or time selection can be done with a DateTime component.