Upgrading from version 1.5.0


  • Rename the following modules in the order that they appear:

Note: when importing using from ... import ... there are many possible combinations to refer to the same namespace. Not all of them will be found with a simple search and replace.

  • Rename the json field of payload_out to form in gui_init (and other gui* functions, if applicable).
  • Remove the pywebview keyword argument from Uiformio calls.
  • On DataGrid, EditGrid and DataTables components use setOutputAs('DataFrame') to make utils.getSubmissionData return a DataFrame (if needed).
  • On DateTime and Day components use setOutputAs('datetime') to make utils.getSubmissionData return a datetime (if needed).
  • Replace fromPayload on Plotly components with utils.getSubmissionData.
  • Replace updatePayload on Plotly components with utils.setSubmissionData
  • The composed component HtmlTable has been removed, use the component HtmlTable instead.
    • Accordingly the Content.createTable, Content.updateTable, utils.createCustomTable and utils.updateTable functions have been removed.
  • The FontSize options for EditGrid and DataGrid have been removed, use CSS classes to achieve the same result.
  • The positional argument Keys in Tabs.setContent is now an optional keyword argument. Either specify the argument as keys=..., or remove the keys input argument altogether.


  • Rename the following packages (using regular expressions) in the order that they appear.
  • Rename the json field of payload_out to form in gui_init (and other gui* functions, if applicable).
  • On DataGrid, EditGrid and DataTables components use setOutputAs('table') to make utils.getSubmissionData return a table (if needed).
  • On DateTime and Day components use setOutputAs('datetime') to make utils.getSubmissionData return a datetime (if needed).
  • The composed component HtmlTable has been removed, use the component HtmlTable instead.
    • Accordingly the Content.createTable, Content.updateTable, utils.createCustomTable and utils.updateTable functions have been removed.
  • The FontSize options for EditGrid and DataGrid have been removed, use CSS classes to achieve the same result.
  • The positional argument Keys in Tabs.setContent is now an optional named parameter. Either prepend the argument with 'Keys',, or remove the keys input argument altogether.